Interviews are one of the most powerful PR tools when it comes to promoting your book. They are the gateway to reaching entirely new audiences. Not only do you need to know how to prepare for an interview beforehand, but assessing what comes after is equally important. So, in order to maximize your promotion potential, here’s 5 things you need to keep in mind after completing your interview.


No matter how many interviews you’ve done in your career, landing and completing an interview is an incredible feat. Be sure to thank the interviewer for the opportunity while acknowledging how important this opportunity is towards reaching audience. 


The ABC method (Always Be Connecting) needs to be top of mind. Connect with the interviewer on Linkedin, follow them on their platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Become familiar with their work and see if there are overlaps with how you can continue to help each other.  Connect other authors to the journalist and help them out as well (that’s good karma!). Set up Google Alert to follow that media outlet and keep track of their future articles/work. Be personable, build the relationship, and provide value to them beyond the interview. Leaving a lasting impression is effective at opening up room for new opportunities in the future.


Being a great interviewee is a learned skill that takes practice. Assess yourself by asking what you did well?  What can you improve on? How can you refine your soundbites? Are you plugging your book (say the title!), website, and socials effectively? Is your expertise being showcased? Consider your word choices, what was your call to action, how are you going to interact with the audience now that the interview is over?

Your objective is to make a lasting impression on the audience. Consider sharing the interview with other professionals and see what their opinions and suggestions are on how you can improve. Assessing yourself after every interview is a great way to ensure you’re improving every time. Interviews give you the chance to craft your message and credential yourself as an expert.


After the interview is over, post about your experience on social media, show your excitement about it and how you can’t wait for that article to be posted or that segment to air on TV. And when it’s posted online be sure to share it and tag and thank the media outlet. Getting that boost of engagement is really key to maximizing the power that interviews have in promoting your book.

If you had a special referral link for that media outlet, you can gauge if engagement has improved after the interview and even share that with the outlet. Showcasing results is effective in proving that the relationship is valuable to you, the outlet, and your audience.

Add a press page to your website, include the link (with the media outlet’s logo if possible). Media breeds media!


Each interview link can be added to your next press pitches, as each one credentials you to other outlets.

One interview is great, two is even better! Nurture those relationships and leverage all the opportunities you can get and always be improving your interview skills. Much like sticking to an exercise regiment, repetition is key. Focus on engaging your audience and make the whole thing a pleasant experience. And if you are able to follow these 5 steps you can take your post-interview game to the next level.

If you want to learn more about using interviews to your advantage, among a host of other topics related to building your platform and publicizing your book, check out Author to Influencer Accelerator, our DIY educational platform and membership community for authors who want to take a hands-on approach to promoting their books.