Tips for Promoting Your Book on Meta


Discover how Meta’s platforms, Facebook and Instagram, can help authors boost book sales and connect with readers. Learn the importance of a consistent online presence across platforms, how to use Meta’s tools to build authentic community and how to use Meta’s CARE strategy as a guide for creating impactful, engaging content. 

In today’s digital age, Meta has become an indispensable tool for authors seeking to connect with readers and effectively promote their books.

Why Meta?

It is important to be established on every platform you can be on so that it is easy for people to find you. If you can, use the same username on every platform. Having the same or a similar username on multiple platforms will help people locate you faster and be confident the account they’re following is the real you. Facebook, in particular, is important for book promotion as it allows authors to run ads for their books (alongside the opportunity for additional monetization)!

Facebook and Instagram, both run by Meta, are some of the safest social media sites out there, which is why so many people use them. Meta allows users to not only filter and block accounts but also filter keywords and phrases in comments on posts and Facebook or Instagram lives, allowing you to set your own boundaries and be confident in your posting. There are also options that allow for controlled commenting, where the user has complete control over who can comment on any of their posts.


Meta recommends the acronym CARE to guide your posting. CARE stands for Consistency, Authenticity, Relevant, Engaging.

Consistency: Start posting on your social media early and maintain a consistent posting schedule. Social media is a necessary evil, and the earlier you start, the more it will help you. You want to start posting early so that you’re amassing a following, even if you have “nothing” to say. This way, when you do have something to say (such as: My book is available!), there’s already an audience there to listen.

Authenticity: Meta likes to say that you can’t post too much if your content is authentic. The rise in Gen Z on social media has led to a drop in wanting perfect, aesthetically curated content. They prefer “real” content – they want to feel like they’re really connecting with someone. Don’t be passive, actively convince your audience that you are, in fact, on the other side of the account (even if you’re not, or you aren’t the only one back there).

Relevant: This doesn’t just mean to post things relevant to you, your book, or your niche. Social media platforms allow conversations between people of different interests through common themes, such as relevant news and pop culture. Insert yourself into or start conversations that relate your niche and interests to popular topics to open yourself up to a new audience. Plus, by having these conversations, you can push your own authenticity by becoming more personal and relatable to your audience (see how all these tie in together?).

Engaging: You can’t just post and go. It’s important to engage with your audience. Host Q&A’s. Respond to comments. Did you know that responding to a comment on an older post on Facebook will push the original post back through the algorithm, which will show it to your new followers and allow for a new audience to see it? Always, always respond to Facebook comments when you can. Instagram doesn’t have the same algorithm, so the rule of thumb is to respond to the first few comments, or respond consistently for an hour, and then forget it.

As you embark on your Meta book promotion journey, remember that consistency, authenticity, relevancy and engagement are your allies in building a thriving author platform and connecting with an eager audience of book enthusiasts.

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