Peter Samuelson
Finding Happy
American-British TV and film producer, author of Finding Happy
Los Angeles, CA
Pub Date: June 10, 2025
Genre: Self-help/Personal Growth
Publisher: Regalo Press
Page Count: 365
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 979-8888458716
Price: $19.99
A master class for every Gen Z and Millennial to Find Happy in a dizzying world.
Almost everyone looks back on their youth and thinks, “I wish I knew then what I know now.…” Finding Happy is for anyone who wants to know right now what so many wish they had known back then. It is written by a highly accomplished producer, philanthropist and master storyteller who learned how to scale walls rather than be stopped by them, and, in the process, learned what happy is and where to find it.
Finding Happy is filled with gripping adventures and misadventures that demonstrate just how possible the seemingly impossible often is, from daredevil filmmaking in Africa and Asia to making prohibition rules work for you to earning a full college scholarship after being completely unable to answer the entrance exam essay question… to climbing down a hundred-foot pipe shaft at 3 a.m. to rescue a kitten, with no plan for how to climb back up. It is about how best to seize the day, when risks are brave and when foolish, about roadblocks and solutions, learning from leaders and finding your own secret sauce.
Perfect for young adults starting their adult journey, as well as those well into theirs who have not yet sighted land, Finding Happy offers true, lived wisdom that will inspire readers to find their own unique and personal Happy.
Co-founder and president of First Star (seventeen high school academies on college campuses for youth in foster care) and CEO of PhilmCo Media llc. (commercial films that use empathy to improve society), Peter Samuelson is a serial pro-social entrepreneur. In 1982, he co-founded the Starlight Children’s Foundation (psychosocial services for seriously ill children). By 1990, the positive impact of Starlight seeded his next pro-social endeavor, Starbright World (the world’s first avatar-based navigable social network for seriously ill teenagers), co-founded with Steven Spielberg. Following that, 1999 saw the formation of First Star; in 2005 the founding of EDAR, the Everyone Deserves a Roof initiative (single-user mobile homeless shelters); and in 2013 the launch of ASPIRE, the Academy for Social Purpose in Responsible Entertainment (media training for undergraduates not in film schools). In the midst of all this, Samuelson has produced twenty-seven films and raised four children. Educated at Cambridge and the Anderson School of Management at UCLA, he has been married to Saryl for thirty-five years and continues to fight every day for those less fortunate, chief among them America’s abused and neglected children.
First in his family to attend college, Samuelson graduated from Cambridge on a full scholarship with a Masters in English Literature. After serving as production manager on films such as The Return of the Pink Panther, he emigrated from England to Los Angeles and produced Revenge of the Nerds, Tom & Viv, Wilde, Arlington Road, and twenty-three other films. Samuelson served on the three-person founding board of Participant Media, Jeff Skoll’s pro-social media company, which produced An Inconvenient Truth, The Help, Spotlight, and Green Book. From 2012 to 2013, Samuelson was the founding managing director of the Media Institute for Social Change at the University of Southern California.
Samuelson divides his time between producing films and serving pro bono as cofounder of the Starlight Children’s Foundation ( with Steven Spielberg and founder and serving president of First Star ( and the Everyone Deserves a Roof initiative of Los Angeles ( He holds U.S. Patent No. 10,227,791 for a Single-User Mobile Homeless Shelter. Samuelson lives in Los Angeles. Learn more at:
- Day of Hope – 2
- National LIbrary Week – 6-12
- Good Deeds Day – 6
- Celebrate Teen Literature Day – 8
- Volunteer Recognition Day – 20
- National Volunteer Week – 20-26
- Every Kid Healthy Week – 21-24
- National Youth Violence Prevention Week – 22-24
- Global Pay it Forward Day – 28
- National Child Abuse Awareness Month
- National Foster Care Month
- World Give Day – 4
- National Children’s Book Week – 5-11
- Foster Care Day – 6
- National Teen Self-Esteem Month
- Teen CEO Month
- Graduation Season (starting in May)
- Children’s Awareness Month
- National PTSD Awareness Month
- National Higher Education Day – 6
- World Caring Day – 7
- International Being You Day – 22
- National Make a Difference to Children Month
- Independence Day – 4
- National Cheer Up The Lonely Day – 11
- Social Media Giving Day – 15
- Happiness Happiness Month
- National Wellness Month
- National Nonprofit Day – 17
“My exposure to Peter is multi-dimensional, in person and now through his wonderful book. If you are not fortunate enough to know him firsthand, the book captures his extraordinarily giving essence. You will be a better person for the experience of reading it. Peter’s book is an amazing primer!”
—Fred Klein, founder of Gotham City Networking, counsel to Tarter, Krinsky & Drogin LLP, a New York multi-dimensional law firm
“Peter Samuelson is one of those rare living angels who rove the earth, who never forget to treat every human being with respect, who always try to help make others better beings and better off, and daily, constantly innovating to fight suffering. Peter’s profession is as a film producer, but he is also a formidable social entrepreneur. He created the Starlight Foundation to grant special wishes to terminally ill children, and the Starbright Foundation to use entertainment and technology to advance the needs of terminally ill children. Among his other innovations, most recently he conceived EDAR (‘Everyone Deserves a Roof ’) which is a mobile mini-bed/home for the homeless. At night it turns into a bed, and during the day it allows them to keep and transport their possessions.”
—Daniel Lubetzky, founder, OneVoice, Kind Bars
“A remarkable story! Lessons to be learned by both young and old that should be required reading for Americans ages fourteen to twenty-two as a practical and workable philosophy for life. ‘A chapter a day makes fear and ignorance go away!’”
—Judge Charles Gill, Connecticut Superior Court, leading advocate for children’s rights
“Most self-help books merely tell readers how to achieve their goals. But in Finding Happy, Peter Samuelson illustrates how to go about weathering the challenges of that quest by recounting the circuitous paths he personally took. This inspiring book is a must for everyone about to embark on that journey.”
—Alan Zweibel, original SNL writer, playwright, screenwriter, Thurber Prize–winning author of The Other Shulman
“Peter Samuelson made some great films, but that isn’t nearly as important as the five innovative and effective charities he invented. They serve seriously ill children, teenage patients cut off from friends and family, foster kids, the homeless, and college students who need narrative film-making skills to create good in the world. He is the rare leader not in pursuit of money, but saving young lives.”
—Morton H. Meyerson, computer services pioneer at Electronic Data Systems, Perot Systems, and General Motors
“Peter has fulfilled his purpose for being on this earth by dedicating his life to improving outcomes for seriously ill children and bringing smiles to their faces. Full of wisdom, life learnings, and moments of pure joy, this book will bring tears to your eyes and a smile to your face as you accompany him through his story, learn how you can make the world a better place, and develop your own purpose.”
—Dawn Wilcox, vice president, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, board member, Starlight Children’s Foundation
“A master storyteller, Peter Samuelson engages our sense of wonder and awe while finding humor in life’s journey. His is a world of limitless potential and jaw-dropping adventures, where anything is possible—it’s a magic carpet ride behind the scenes of the entertainment industry through the eyes of a young, British-American David coming of age in an entrenched world of Goliaths. Peter’s optimism, hard work, and ingenuity often delivers what seems impossible. Intended as mentorship for young adults, this is a truly fun and inspirational read for everyone. It touched the part of me that longs for adventure and success. It gives us all practical tools to manifest something wonderful waiting just around the corner!”
—Sheryl Stamps Leach, creator of Barney the Purple Dinosaur, philanthropist
“Peter’s journey should be an inspiration to anyone seeking to help make the world a better place for others.”
—John Rosenberg, chairman, Starlight Children’s Foundation USA
“Peter Samuelson has worked tirelessly over forty years to make the world a better place for youngsters, whether seriously ill or abused and neglected. Peter masterfully weaves together stories from his life as a filmmaker and philanthropist to share the blueprint of how to create a meaningful life that is full of purpose. While written as a guidebook for young adults without a mentor, it is a fantastic read for anyone. Peter’s stories are entertaining and, at times, poignant. Peter has helped millions of children have a brighter future through his work with the Starlight Children’s Foundation and First Star charities. This book has the potential of helping millions more find the path to success and happiness.”
—Dr. Brandon Lane Phillips, Starlight Wish Child, later board member, and now MD in pediatric cardiology
“Peter is suggesting clues to finding meaning in all our lives through his extensive work with foster youth, continually trying to give them practical hope. Along the way, he curates wisdom from his own ‘hero’s journey’ into this heartening collection.”
—Mark Goulston, MD, author of Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone
“Peter Samuelson weaves essential life lessons throughout this series of hair-raising stories from his remarkable life as a movie maker, entrepreneur, and inspired philanthropist. In these endeavors, he perseveres against incredible, often hilarious, odds and emerges from every trial and tribulation more determined than before and asking, what next? It is a fun, funny, thought-provoking, meaningful, and moving read that will inspire readers toward greater good for themselves and the world (to Samuelson’s point, they are the same thing!). Upon finishing the book, one cannot help but ask: What more can I be doing to reach my goals and to make a contribution? What am I afraid of? Samuelson has a wonderful way of convincing the reader that if he can do it, so can they. His guidance through example is a potential life-changer for young people. Luckily, it is also a fantastically entertaining read!”
—Shari Goldstein, PhD, clinical psychologist
Chapter 1: Why This Book? You and These Times
Chapter 2: How to Read This Book: Takeaways and Reflection Questions
Chapter 3: Why Tell Your Story with Empathy: The Girl Who Froze
Chapter 4: What Is the Meaning of Life? Part One
Chapter 5: What I Learned from My Dad
Chapter 6: What Is Luck? Early Days
Chapter 7: When Can Apologizing Be a Life Hack?
Chapter 8: Why Do Bullies Bully? What Can You Do About It?
Chapter 9: How Do You Find Your Mentor? Mr. Lund, Who Lifted My Self-Expectations
Chapter 10: What Is Love For, Actually? And Where Can You Find It?
Chapter 11: First Love, Eloping, and the Telegram
Chapter 12: Get Your Foot in the Door, and Then Don’t Blow it. Le Mans
Chapter 13: What Is University For? Cambridge
Chapter 14: When Should You Take Risks? How to Survive Your Risk-Taking Years
Chapter 15: How Can You Dare to Do? Marrakech to Monte Carlo
Chapter 16: How Can You Seize the Day? The Return of the Pink Panther
Chapter 17: Travel as Education. Filming in the Philippines
Chapter 18: Value Your Own American Dream. Coming to Hollywood
Chapter 19: Is Citizenship a Responsibility as Well as a Right?
Chapter 20: Stand Up for Your Rights. Children Are Not Property
Chapter 21: Which American Lives Are Most Different from Yours? Thank You, Navajo Nation
Chapter 22: Should You Pursue a Long Shot? Crazy Luck: A Man, a Woman, and a Bank
Chapter 23: Is Failure a Matter of Opinion? What Is Success? Revenge of This Nerd
Chapter 24: What Is an Entrepreneur? What Is Leadership? Starlight
Chapter 25: What Are Your Priorities? Why? The Robin Hood Effect
Chapter 26: What Is Genius? Hello, Mr. Spielberg
Chapter 27: What Is Leadership? What General Schwarzkopf Taught Me
Chapter 28: How Can You Use Technology, and Not Let It Use You? GPT-4, AI, VR, EIEIO, LOL
Chapter 29: How Do You Craft a New Solution to an Old Problem? First Star
Chapter 30: What Will Be Your Cause? Welcome to the Circus, Kids!
Chapter 31: What Is the Answer to Everything, at Least in Producing Films?
Chapter 32: How Can You Be in the Arena? Arlington Road
Chapter 33: Why Stick Up for Each Other? Oscar Wilde and Me
Chapter 34: When Should You Give Up, When Not? What If You Can’t? The Gathering
Chapter 35: How Can You Get Arrested without Being Killed?
Chapter 36: What Does Eccentric Mean? Is It Good, Bad, or Neither?
Chapter 37: What Must You Do When People You Love Lose Their Compass?
Chapter 38: How to Leverage to Achieve Your Goals. ASPIRE and the Medici
Chapter 39: Why Don’t Human Beings Think Ahead? Lessons of Hurricane Katrina
Chapter 40: When Is Perfection the Enemy of the Good? EDAR and the Old Lady in a Box
Chapter 41: How to Empower a Team? First, Stay Away from Helicopters. Stormbreaker
Chapter 42: When Is Impossible, Not? Surviving a Producer’s Crisis
Chapter 43: What Makes a Good Friend? How Can We Choose Them Wisely?
Chapter 44: How Can You Live Your Passion? Foster Boy: Carpe Diem
Chapter 45: How Can You Extrovert Yourself? Public Speaking: Stand-up, with Fewer Jokes
Chapter 46: How Can You Fight Tribalism in Your Own Heart?
Chapter 47: Are Humans Lost? A Story: Aliens, Viruses, and Planet Earth
Chapter 48: How Can We Walk in the Shoes of Others? First, Take Off the Mask
Chapter 49: Why Care about Democracy? Why Should We All Fight for It?
Chapter 50: How Can You Make a Difference? The Meaning of Life, Part Two
Chapter 51: How Can You Bend the Arc of History? How Can You Contribute?
Chapter 52: What Will Be Your Place in the Universe? The Meaning of Life, Part Three
Pub Date: May 17, 2022
Genre: Memoir / Christian Inspirational
Publisher: She Writes Press
Page Count: 304
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1647429003
Price: $15.99