How to Plan and Execute an Interactive Book Campaign, Part 1

Here at PR by the Book, one of our all-time favorite examples of a successful publicity campaign is for Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear.  There’s so much to unpack from this campaign that we just couldn’t fit it into one post. So, we’ll be doing a four-part series on how to […]

5 Tips for Being an Expert on Camera

For some of us, being in front of the camera is a challenge. Many authors find it difficult to translate their writing skills into being savvy on air. However, the good news is that with just a few tips, you can be comfortable on camera, too, just like pros you’ll find on TV and other […]

How to Run a Virtual Book Tour in 5 Steps

Even prior to COVID and quarantining, gone are the days when authors had to pack up and hit the road for a book tour. With so many opportunities accessible online, authors are now able to conduct a successful book tour right from the comfort of their own homes. Virtual book tours, or what we call […]

How to Find the Right Outlets

Here at PR by the Book, we know that it can be daunting to find the right media outlet to cover your story. There are millions of outlets out there, and finding the right fit can be overwhelming and time consuming. However, the good news is that in just a few simple steps, you will […]

How to Choose the Right Publisher for your Project

As an author, you have a lot of different options when it comes to publishing your book. We know that it can be very confusing to decide which publisher might be right for you, but it’s important to understand the different types of publishing so that you can choose what’s best for your project. In […]