Welcome to the Author to Influencer Accelerator

The Author to Influencer Accelerator is finally here! A lot of heart and soul has gone into putting this program together, because we know that there are a lot of authors and others in this industry who really want to know how to promote a book without having to hire someone to do it for […]

DIY Membership Community for Authors After 2 Years in the Making

Writing a book is a huge accomplishment. There isn’t a greater feeling in the world than typing THE END and knowing your work is done. But what many authors soon realize is that finishing the writing part of the book is only the beginning. No one writes a book to have it stay on their […]

3 Surefire Ways to Tap into National Day of…

August 7th is National Purple Heart Day. October 15th-19th is National Business Women’s Week. September is Self-Care Month. The list of important calendar months, weeks, and days is endless and so are the opportunities to take advantage of them! Here are 3 surefire ways to use national as well as little-known and quirky holidays to […]

How Authors Can Win With Content Marketing

Digital marketing is a science that’s rapidly evolving. As soon as you have it figured out, Google or Facebook algorithms change and your visibility sinks back down into obscurity. One thing has remained constant in recent years, though, and that’s the importance of content in marketing, especially as it related to social media for authors. […]

7 Tips on Building Influence as a Speaker

    One of the best ways to build your authority as an author is to become a speaker. Nonfiction authors including subject matter experts, consultants and memoir writers often marry book sales and speaking events to strengthen their influence. Fiction authors, too, rely on bookstore appearances and speaking at literary festivals and events to […]