Jeff Tarrant
Eugene, OR
Founder and Director of Psychic Mind Science and the NeuroMeditation Institute and author of Becoming Psychic

Pub Date: November 7, 2023
Genre: New Age Science, Psychology, New Age/Paranormal and Science
Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
Page Count: 320
Format: Paperback, ebook, audiobook
ISBN: 9780757324789
Price: $17.95
A scientific, brain-based approach that provides an understanding of psychic abilities, spirit communication, and energy healing, making it accessible to those who have never subscribed or practiced.
Jeff Tarrant was fascinated by the paranormal as a child but then his training as a neuroscientist turned him into a hardcore skeptic. If something could not be reliably and consistently demonstrated in the laboratory, then it wasn’t real. These rigid ideas were gradually worn away as he repeatedly witnessed and experienced things that simply should not be possible—telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, mediumship, energy healing, and more.
This book follows his journey of studying, interviewing, and testing a wide variety of mediums, psychics, and healers as he tries to determine what is going on in their brains when they engage in these supernormal abilities. Readers will get to know these gifted people, exploring what makes them tick and discovering firsthand evidence that this stuff is real.
If we can understand how the psychic mind works, might the rest of us be able to use this information to help develop our own abilities? Becoming Psychic uses knowledge uncovered through case studies, expert interviews, and research to offer a variety of practical insights to help readers develop their own abilities. Each chapter concludes with a “try it yourself” section, helping readers apply specific concepts and techniques into their own psychic development practice. In addition to uncovering the tips, skills, and tools identified in Tarrant’s research, the book also explores how to use brain-hacking technology, such as neurofeedback, audiovisual entrainment, and pulsed electromagnetic fields to “nudge” the brain toward heightened psychic abilities–as well as quieting internal chatter, supporting empathy, and enhancing creativity—all the mental skills necessary to move from balance and wellness to the extraordinary!
Becoming Psychic fills an important gap in the development literature. There are books that tell the stories of psychics and mediums. There are books that focus on the science and evidence for these practices, and there are books devoted to teaching you how to develop your own skills. This book contains all of the above wrapped into one guide.
Dr. Tarrant is the founder and Director of Psychic Mind Science and the NeuroMeditation Institute in Eugene, OR. He is a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback. Dr. Tarrant specializes in teaching, clinical applications, and research combining technology-based interventions with meditative states for improved mental health. His research focuses on exploring brainwave changes that occur as a result of contemplative practices, technological interventions, non-ordinary states of consciousness, and psi related abilities. Dr. Tarrant is the author of the book, Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain in addition to the upcoming Becoming Psychic.
Dr. Tarrant’s exploration of psychics and mediums has been featured on the Dr. Oz Show, at national conferences, in the New York bestselling book The Light Between Us by Laura Lynne Jackson and in an upcoming 5-part docu-series.
- Surprising stories from his work as the Director of Psychic Mind Science and the NeuroMeditation Institute
- The journey he has been through beginning as a believer in the paranormal, to skeptic, back to being open minded about psychic abilities, spirit communication, and energy healing; and why
- Holotropic breathwork (HB) -the benefits/risks and what it can unlock in your subconscious mind
- Real stories of mediums, healers, and psychics and how understanding their brainwave patterns can help others develop their own psychic abilities
- Forever Family Foundation (FFF) and the process of certifying a medium
- The benefits of meditation in the hopes of developing one’s own psychic abilities
- Amazing stories from his four-week Technology Assisted Psychic Exploration class
- Psychedelics – beneficial or harmful in realizing your abilities?
- The role of expectation and intention in connecting with the deceased
- The brain as a reducing valve that limits our natural psychic abilities
- The use of brain stimulation technologies, such as audio visual entrainment and transcranial magnetic stimulation to shift the brain toward a more psychic state
“Finally, a book that delivers groundbreaking revelations, together with irrefutable data to improve our understanding of energy and the function of the brain during the altered states of consciousness of psychics and mediums. With his open-minded approach, together with several scientific experiments, Tarrant delivers an easy-to-read masterpiece that is sure to alleviate one of the biggest fears of all time—the fear of death! This comprehensive work of art brings a unique and refreshing perspective to the most widely researched topics—the brain and consciousness! Whether you are a scientist yourself, a skeptic, or a diehard believer, this book is for everyone, especially the truth-seekers. As a psychic medium myself, I believe this book will bring us one step closer to uncovering a controversial truth: we don’t die.”
—Kim Russo, The Happy Medium, international psychic medium, TV host, and author
“In Becoming Psychic, Jeff Tarrant presents techniques and exercises based on his brain research and work with mediums and psychics and his own experiences, offering pathways for the rest of us to awaken our own psychic potential. While there is a plethora of psychic development books out there, none I’ve seen are solidly based in scientific research, and certainly none cover what’s going on in our heads when we try different practices and techniques, and when we are and are not psychic. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a grounded approach to becoming psychic.”
—Loyd Auerbach, parapsychologist and paranormal investigator, and author of Psychic Dreaming: Dreamworking, Reincarnation, Out-of-Body Experiences & Clairvoyance and other books
“Good science often begins with subjective experiences and inquisitiveness of the scientist. Dr. Tarrant has spent much of his professional career exploring non-physical phenomena that materialist science has been unable to explain. By focusing on the human brain and examining changes that occur when one is exhibiting consciousness that extends beyond the body, his work has shown us that there are ways we can all achieve what many believe to be impossible. Unlocking the filters of the brain can open us up to access unseen worlds and information—in essence, putting the mystical realm within our grasp. Becoming Psychic provides a roadmap for those who suspect that there is more than meets their eyes.”
—Bob Ginsberg, founder, Forever Family Foundation, and author of The Medium Explosion
“Becoming Psychic by Jeff Tarrant provides a diverse and balanced look into the realms of unseen forces and psychic abilities, combining scientific-based knowledge with the hands-on experience of psychic practitioners from various fields, including psychokinesis, channeling, and healing. Jeff’s willingness to delve into the unknown with an open mind is admirable and combined with his extensive knowledge in the fields of meditation and breathwork, leave the reader with a much greater understanding of the workings within the supernatural realm. If you are interested in psychic phenomenon and wish to hear both sides of the story, this book is a great addition to your library.”
—Robert Allen, AKA Trebor Seven, psychokinesis teacher and educator
Pub Date: May 17, 2022
Genre: Memoir / Christian Inspirational
Publisher: She Writes Press
Page Count: 304
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1647429003
Price: $15.99