Phil Cooke
Los Angeles, CA
Media producer, writer, speaker, coach, author of Church on Trial

Pub Date: July 1, 2024
Genre: Christian Ministry and Church Leadership
Publisher: Avail Books
Page Count: 320
Format: Paperback, Ebook
ISBN: 978-1962401937
Price: $18.99
In the ministry world, where unpredictability is the only certainty, modern-day church leaders face a unique challenge—navigating the immense upheaval precipitated by crises. From unforeseen scandals to disruptive emergencies, leaders must be prepared with grounded solutions to manage a myriad of potential issues with confidence and poise.
There are two significant types of crises every church may face. The first comes from outside—a cancel culture protest, social media backlash from a disgruntled former member, or a lawsuit from a family whose kid broke a leg on the playground.
The second and often more devastating crises stem from inside the church and are usually self-inflicted—the pastor has an adulterous affair, a youth leader has an inappropriate relationship with a minor, or a staff member embezzles money.
Church on Trial: How to Protect Your Congregation, Mission, and Reputation During a Crisis focuses on the serious moral, ethical, and legal implications of internal scandals with a sexual, financial, physically abusive, or criminal nature to help church, ministry, and nonprofit leaders respond to a crisis thoughtfully and positively.
Phil Cooke works at the intersection of faith, media, and culture through his company, Cooke Media Group, in Los Angeles, California. According to former CNN journalist Paula Zahn, Cooke is rare – a working producer in Hollywood with a Ph.D. in Theology.
He has helped some of the largest Christian and nonprofit organizations in the world use the media to tell their story in a changing, disrupted culture. His client list has included studios and networks like Walt Disney, Dreamworks, and USA Network, as well as major Christian organizations from Voice of the Martyrs, The Museum of the Bible, The Salvation Army, The YouVersion Bible app, to many of the most respected churches in the country.
He’s produced TV and film programming in more than 60 countries around the world, and in the process, been shot at, survived two military coups, fallen out of a helicopter, and in Africa, been threatened with prison. He’s appeared on NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, Fox News, and his work has been profiled in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and The Wall Street Journal.
Cooke has lectured at universities like Yale, University of California at Berkeley, UCLA, and is currently a visiting professor at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In addition to writing his blog at philcooke.com, he’s contributed to The Huffington Post, Fast Company, Forbes.com, Wired.com, and FoxNews.com. Cooke is on the advisory boards for The Salvation Army and The Hollywood Prayer Network and has been a long time member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and The Producers Guild of America in Hollywood.
- It’s not IF we’ll have a crisis; it’s WHEN. In today’s digital culture and the barrage of social media, the opportunities for crises are amplified. The key is to have a crisis plan in place and be ready to respond quickly. The earlier you intervene, the easier it will be to manage a crisis.
- How serious is the problem? 27% of church members leave their faith because of leadership scandals. We’re losing more than a quarter of our congregations because of moral, financial, and other unethical behavior within our churches.
- A crisis can happen to anyone, at any time. Most pastors and ministry leaders simply don’t think disaster could strike. The highly publicized stories of leaders like Ravi Zacharias, Hillsong, and Bill Hybels were unexpected and show how easy it is for ministries to be blindsided.
- The challenge is that, as Christians, we want to think the best of people. But when we refuse to acknowledge suspected problems and red flags, we’re setting the stage for a catastrophe.
- Crisis communication is not about defending other people’s mistakes or helping them escape the consequences of their actions. It’s about responding to a crisis with the number one goal to save the church or ministry organization.
- The best way to avoid a crisis is by building a healthy culture.
- Six types of risky conduct play out time and again in the lives of fallen leaders. The one similar issue with a very high number of situations is they lacked accountability and were risky in a potentially sinful area of behavior – either discounting the seriousness or overestimating their ability to hold the line of temptation.
- The local church should not collapse because of one leader, employee or member’s stupid or thoughtless decision. The focus needs to be on helping the congregation deal appropriately with the crisis, survive, and move past it – and if there’s a victim involved, get them help immediately.
“Phil Cooke is the Red Adair of Christendom because he can put out the fire that nobody else can.”
—Colin Bloom, CBE (Commander of the British Empire) Chairman of VETTING.com and Former No. 10 UK Government Senior Official and UK Faith Advisor
“Whether or not your local church is currently dealing with a crisis, there’s no question that the Church at large is now on trial. Christians need a reason to retain confidence in their leaders, and the world needs to know why it should listen to the message we proclaim. Phil Cooke has provided a resource to do both. Anyone who’s committed to fulfilling the Great Commission should have this book.”
—Commissioners Ken and Jolene Hodder, USA National Leaders, The Salvation Army
“Phil Cooke has once again given us the dose of help we need at just the right time—an increasingly complex time. This book is as practical as it is relevant, a true gift!”
—Johnnie Moore, President, JDA Worldwide and Founder, The KAIROS Company
“All of us who care about faith and places of prayer owe a debt of gratitude to Phil Cooke for this important book. It is a master class by a master craftsman; simple without being simplistic, and the best and most pragmatic field guide yet for faith leaders in both good and troubling times.”
—Rabbi Steve Leder, NY Times Bestselling Author and Senior Rabbi of Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Los Angeles, CA
“Compelling work—a must-read for leaders at all levels. Cooke’s considerable knowledge and experience expose, with real-life examples, the vulnerabilities of organizations that are ill-prepared to both anticipate and lead through crises. The stellar reputation of an organization can be instantly dismantled absent an effective crisis response plan. This applies whether the organization is sacred or secular, large or small. Church on Trial elevates the urgency for readiness and adaptability in facing unforeseen events.”
—Sandra C. Gray, PhD, President Emeritus, Asbury University
“For pastors and ministry leaders, one of the last things you ever want to encounter is a crisis. But it will come, and one of the most important tasks in responding is to be ready to communicate the facts and provide direction to those who have been impacted. Phil Cooke has put excellent, practical insights into this book that will help you and your team be prepared ahead of time to navigate crises well. By being proactive now, you will be better able to care for people and shine a light on the gospel in difficult seasons of ministry.”
—Kevin Ezell, President, Southern Baptist North American Mission Board
“When a crisis happens at a local church or ministry organization, the vast majority are completely blindsided. Most church leaders aren’t trained in these challenges and have no idea what to do or where to turn. That’s why Phil’s book is so incredibly timely and significant. Now, every church or ministry can have the answers at their fingertips. But perhaps more importantly, Church on Trial will show you the steps you can take to help avoid the crisis to begin with. I can tell you that this book will make a positive impact.”
—Steve Arterburn, Best Selling Author and Founder of New Life LIVE
“Phil Cooke combines years of practical experience with deep insight into current and emerging cultural and technological trends. What you’ll find in Church on Trial is sage advice from a trusted leader—a go-to manual on hand for the time when you need it most.”
—Mark Forrester, Senior Director of Public Relations and Communications, Assembly of God USA
“Phil Cooke’s latest book is a must-read for all ministry leaders. We must know that we live in a time when Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:36 about “idle words” and His warning in Luke 8:17 about “secrets” coming to light certainly seem like prophecies related to the internet, emails, text messages, and social media. Phil Cooke’s extensive work with secular and Christian ministries has given him depth and breadth of experience in how to best handle the crises that can easily and quickly destroy a ministry and the people associated with it. There is much sound advice on how best to proceed when our worlds are turned upside down. But there is also an underlying profound sense of warning to all of us regarding how we should protect our personal and ministry integrity in a world full of seduction and deception.”
—Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr., General Superintendent, International Pentecostal Holiness Church
“Church on Trial is an exceptional piece of work that truly captivated me from start to finish. First and foremost, what impressed me most is how Phil explores important and complicated topics facing every church and its leadership in an easy-to-read and understandable way. He describes how to recognize possible crises before they occur, how to avoid them, and how to formulate response strategies and tactics when they do. Phil’s insights and perspectives shed a bright light on these important subjects, leaving readers with a deeper understanding and desire for further exploration. As a colleague and friend, I couldn’t be prouder of Phil’s accomplishment in writing this timely and much-needed book.”
—David Middlebrook, Attorney and Founder, The Church Lawyers
“Church on Trial by Dr. Phil Cooke is a masterful guide through the intricate world of crisis communication within faith communities. Drawing on his extensive experience, Cooke shares insights on preventing accidents and protecting congregations and reputations during tumultuous times. As someone who has walked alongside churches and ministries as they’ve experienced crises, I appreciate Cooke’s practical wisdom and strategic approach. Whether you’re navigating the challenging terrain of crisis management or want to prepare for future unknowns, this book is a must-read for all pastors and leaders.”
—Rob Hoskins, President, OneHope
“When a church or ministry encounters a crisis, professionalism and transparency are vital. Too often, however, leaders are like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. Frozen. Unsure of what to do. I often tell leaders facing a crisis that they can’t change what happened, but they must take responsibility for what happens next. Phil Cooke offers practical advice for how to deal with a crisis in ways that are wise and biblical.”
—Warren Smith, President, MinistryWatch
“From the first time I met Phil Cooke, he has occupied a special place in my life—he makes me think. This book will make you think and save your life and those of other leaders you love. The content of this book would be unnecessary if it weren’t for people who continue to indulge in behaviors described in the book and lack wisdom about the world in which they lead. Read this book and share it with all leaders you love.”
—Sam Chand, Leadership Consultant and Author
“In Church on Trial, Phil Cooke masterfully lends his wisdom through practical solutions to prevent and address ministry crises. Every church, ministry, and believer must read this—particularly in light of the times we are in, as we seek to live lives worthy of the Lord’s calling. I particularly appreciate that this book is not about avoiding consequences. Rather, it is about protecting and preserving godly ministry and personal integrity through biblically sound advice that will hold up in the fire of scrutiny. Thank you, Phil.”
—Jacinta Tegman, CEO, The Crista Family of Ministries
“Media producer Phil Cooke steps out from behind the camera and codifies in these pages foundational principles I have practiced and found proven over my forty-eight-year career in crisis communications consultation. It also provides encouragement that, though fraught with peril, every crisis—and they will come—also presents an opportunity for an organization to self-identify its mission, vision, and purpose rather than be pejoratively defined by others with an agenda. I highly recommend this book for every pastor and ministry leader to prepare for potential challenges and pitfalls you may face in the future to preserve your church or organization’s integrity, reputation, and trust among staff, members, donors, the community at large, and the media.”
—A. Larry Ross, Founder and CEO, A. Larry Ross Communications
“Regardless of size or history, every church is vulnerable to an unwelcome public relations crisis. The good news is that in every crisis, there is opportunity. Phil Cooke has been helping churches tell their story for four decades and has deftly navigated some highly public and exceedingly complex situations. Phil understands why a crisis is a defining moment and knows what to say, when to say it, and how to convey it. Phil is uniquely gifted in taking charge of a scenario that might otherwise damage a minister’s or ministry’s reputation if the narrative is allowed to move forward unchecked. With a commitment to discretion, Phil offers wise counsel and strategies that increase positive news coverage, mitigate negative coverage, change prevailing narratives, and rebuild reputations. I’ve known Phil for over twenty years and have greatly benefited from his expertise in multiple organizations.”
—Michael D. Clarke, Director, Pathway to Victory, First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas
“If ever there was a book that needed to be written for such a time as this, this is it! Phil Cooke’s passion and experience in helping leaders prepare for and manage crises provide invaluable counsel that every Christian leader should take to heart. Grab your highlighter for this book because you’re going to need it! For years, I’ve witnessed the criticism, personal attacks, and even the complete downfall of well-known ministry leaders—several of whom were and are very dear friends. Unfortunately, even when the criticism was unwarranted, or the allegations against them were inflated or completely false, their reputations, ministries, careers, and even families were left in shambles. It’s never too early or too late to heed Phil’s advice and be prepared!”
—Ann White, Founder and CEO of Courage For Life Ministries, Author of Courage For Life, General Editor of the Courage For Life Study Bible for Women and the Courage For Life Study Bible for Men
“Phil Cooke is a modern-day prophet, and his new book Church on Trial is proof of that. Phil is bold, honest, and risky in laying out the serious problem in our churches, ministries, and non-profit parachurch organizations and then brilliantly telling us what we can do about it. He is not a lawyer or a counselor. He is a solid man of God whose job in past decades has taught him what the church should be and what it really is. And we can learn from his experience and insights. As a ministry leader in Hollywood, I can affirm everything Phil says, and I thank him for laying it out so that we, as the Church, can avoid some of these crises before they arise. Christians have an enemy, and he is working overtime to steal, kill, and destroy us. So, read this book, and let’s all be honest about our weaknesses, excited about our strengths, and not let the enemy distract us from making an eternal difference in our world. Thank you, Phil!”
—Karen Covell, Founding Director of the Hollywood Prayer Network
“This is an excellent guide to thriving in challenging times for anyone seeking valuable insights and strategies to overcome difficult situations. This book provides a comprehensive and practical approach to navigating crises, offering guidance on how to manage and adapt to unexpected challenges effectively. We live in a time of increased confusion and chaos, and Phil Cooke’s latest playbook is an excellent guide to navigating a crisis. Whether in business or church, leaders of all industries need to be equipped with the necessary tools to manage unexpected challenges. This book moves the needle for the next generation to influence core values with authority and credibility.”
—Caltha Seymour, Global Business Development Leader, Eaton Corporation
“Phil Cooke is a master at both encouraging and challenging leaders to go for it, to do that which God leads us to do, and not back down on His calling.”
—Ron Harris, Founder, Media Alliance International
“As a fellow media minister, I consider Phil Cooke one of my life’s influencers, and I thank you so much that God has brought you into my ministry and family’s lives. There’s a heavy crown waiting for you in heaven for all the people you’ve shared your wisdom and expertise with over the years.”
—Dr. Nathan Jones, Evangelist, Lamb & Lion Ministries
Pub Date: May 17, 2022
Genre: Memoir / Christian Inspirational
Publisher: She Writes Press
Page Count: 304
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1647429003
Price: $15.99