Philippe Johnson
What Hangs in the Balance
Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, author
Sarasota/Tampa, FL

Pub Date: January 7, 2025
Genre: Political Science, Business (Leadership)
Publisher: Forefront Books
Page Count: 688
Format, ISBN, Price:
Hardcover, 9781637633496, $28.00
Ebook, 9781637633502, $TBD
With What Hangs in the Balance, retired Air Force officer Philippe Johnson draws upon his decorated 24-year military career to offer a studied, thorough examination of how the actions and inactions of elected and appointed leaders can determine whether the people they serve flourish or suffer. This insightful book offers a clear-minded analysis of core leadership traits and competencies essential for success in both public and private sector organizations, using former President Donald Trump’s conduct as a pivotal case study on exactly what not to do – and why leaders like him fail to live up to the standards expected from those charged with governing the fate of others.
Rather than focusing solely on specific policy decisions, What Hangs in the Balance centers on evaluating leadership through a wider, more practical lens, with a measured take on exactly how and why everything a leader does – from his/her actions in office, to their public and private statements, to their personal conduct, both in and outside of the workplace – impacts an organization, company, or a nation as a whole. By incorporating insights from subject matter experts and wisdom from historical figures, as well as using former President Trump’s social media posts as references for the leadership characteristics (both in style and substance) that are aberrant to expected standards, Johnson provides a compelling critique that implores elected officials and CEOs across the country to do and be better.
Some of the essential leadership themes What Hangs in the Balance covers:
- Why Character Matters: The book highlights why traits such as humility, empathy, respect for dignity, and self-control are vital for effective leadership.
- Responsible Decision-Making: Readers will learn the importance of seeking counsel and expertise to support sound decision-making processes.
- The Importance of Building Trust: The text explores how disciplined and ethical behavior fosters trust and accountability within organizations.
- Loyalty Dynamics: Johnson differentiates between principled and unprincipled loyalty, providing strategies to counter undue influence and abuse of authority.
In a time when exceptional leadership is more crucial than ever, What Hangs in the Balance equips readers with foundational tools they need to navigate the complexities of leadership effectively, and determine how to lead their organizations with integrity. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to understand the nuances of leadership and its profound effects on corporate culture and society, as well as those looking to break down the defining characteristics of the Trump administration as both a fascinating example of failed governance at the top and, in several instances, principled and courageous stewardship underneath from those who elected to push back in deference to their higher values and oaths of office.
Philippe Johnson is a retired United States Air Force officer and advocate for principled and ethical leadership in public service. The son of a language teacher and career United States Army officer, he was raised in the United States, France, and Germany. During his 24 years on active duty, Lieutenant Colonel Johnson served as a fixed- and rotary-wing pilot, intelligence officer, and diplomat (military attaché), and was honored with the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, and the Air Medal with one oak leaf cluster. He also served on the staffs of two Air Force major commands as his final two assignment. Philippe received a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Florida and earned his master’s degree in public policy from the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy. He can be reached at www.philippejohnson.com.
- Trump’s presidency as a case study in poor leadership, highlighting specific core competencies leaders need, both in the public and private sectors
- What characteristics define principled leadership and ethical decision-making, and the importance of integrity across all branches of the leadership matrix
- A candid look at the real-life consequences of leadership failures, using the Trump administration as an example, and the vital importance of establishing and adhering to core values
- How to communicate and nurture humility, empathy, and dignity for others, have discipline/self-control, and foster trust and accountability as the leader of an organization, department, or business
- The various, often subtle, personality disorders that undermine selfless service
- What not to do as a leader based on real-world examples, both in the public and private sectors
- The pitfalls of social media, especially for those in a leadership or similarly influential position
- Why seeking counsel matters in leadership
- Philippe’s background in federal service and how it informs the book’s perspective on leadership, discipline, and a values-based approach to governance
- National Ethics Awareness Month – March
“Philippe Johnson does something remarkable with What Hangs in the Balance—he extracts the chaos of the Trump years and turns it into a powerful teaching moment about our own personal approach to leadership and the expectations we should have for those who govern our country. Through his work we get to examine ourselves, understand proven leadership traits, and learn critical lessons drawn from Johnson’s career in military and government service. Many books on Trump offer up opinion—What Hangs in the Balance equips each of us to be better leaders, to insist on better leaders, and to take greater responsibility for our remarkable American experiment.”
—David Jolly, Member of Congress (2014-2017), Political Analyst
“This book outlines the values and actions that leaders need to embody to preserve the values of freedom and democracy we all respect. A must-read for public leaders.”
—G. Edward DeSeve, former Special Assistant to President Barack Obama
“What hangs in the balance? Yes, let’s pose the title of Philippe Johnson’s book in the form of a question. The answer, after reading this brilliant compilation on leadership, will no longer be your own leadership skills. If you’re leading a company (or hope to someday), your employees aren’t your family or friends—they are your employees. What Hangs in the Balance teaches you how to lead them with honor and principle, all the while making a difference in the lives of those you influence.”
—Frank McKinney, 9-time Bestselling Author including Aspirational Thoughts, Inspirational Images, AspirationalThoughts.com
Pub Date: May 17, 2022
Genre: Memoir / Christian Inspirational
Publisher: She Writes Press
Page Count: 304
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1647429003
Price: $15.99