If you are a budding author or an industry leader, social media is crucial when it comes to earning and maintaining an engaged audience. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are an integral part of so many people’s lives. If you’re able to use these tools effectively as an author/expert, your book campaign will become more successful. So, if you’re still unsure if social media is worth using as a part of your PR efforts, here are some things to consider.

1. Engage With Your Audience 

The incredible thing about social media is that it opens up so many opportunities to engage with your audience in new and exciting ways. Social media is a two-way street where, rather than talking to your audience, you can talk with your audience. Posting excerpts from your book, sharing your thoughts on articles you’ve read (or wrote!), and answering questions in a Q&A format are all ways in which you can be engaging as an expert.

2. Share Your Successes 

Social media opens up opportunities for your network to celebrate big achievements you’ve worked so hard to get. Your social network is able to share in those successes by engaging with your posts and even sharing them on their own social channels. Maintaining your online presence allows you to leverage social engagement for more and more media hits! This is super helpful for PR firms working on earning those hits for their clients. Furthermore, having media outlets tag you in their social posts leads their audience to your pages, which is important for broadening your exposure.

If you’re looking for tips on social media, please check out all our social media channels where we regularly post tips and tricks for using social media to benefit your book campaign. 

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

3. Diversify Your Creativity 

Another great thing about social media is that it’s so easy to take what you know and share it with the world. The vastness of the internet has built many opportunities for those who are able to use social media effectively. There are many creative possibilities; you can do “your thing” and build an audience for it. If you’re an author who already has a niche, you can double down on that niche. Engaging with community groups on Facebook or hashtags on Twitter and Instagram is an excellent way to build an audience. Use your engagement with those communities to keep people interested in your work before your book gets published. Writing, editing, and publishing can take years, so using social media allows you to keep your creative juices flowing, your expertise sharp, and your audience up to date with your work.

If you’re an author that’s serious about exposure, you need to use social media. It is single-handedly the greatest tool for anyone looking to build an audience and make an impact with their expertise.