Welcome to the Club!

There is a new exclusive club in the social media world and it’s called Clubhouse, an audio-only social media platform. This is your inside scoop about the platform, which is known for its conversation and invite-only status, as well as how you, as authors, can take advantage of it.  Here’s how Clubhouse works… After receiving […]

Water Your Accounts and Watch Their Organic Reach and Engagement Grow!

Just like with gardening, growing an online social media presence takes time and effort before it blossoms from a planted seed to a beautiful flower. This can often lead to frustration and questioning of whether your efforts are actually working. In the pay-to-play social media world we are living in, it can be easy to […]

5 Things To Do After An Interview

Interviews are one of the most powerful PR tools when it comes to promoting your book. They are the gateway to reaching entirely new audiences. Not only do you need to know how to prepare for an interview beforehand, but assessing what comes after is equally important. So, in order to maximize your promotion potential, […]

Why Authors Need To Use Social Media To Gain Influence

If you are a budding author or an industry leader, social media is crucial when it comes to earning and maintaining an engaged audience. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are an integral part of so many people’s lives. If you’re able to use these tools effectively as an author/expert, your book campaign will become more […]

How to Start Preparing your Promotion Strategy for the New Year

2020 has been a long, tumultuous year. Covid-19, quarantine, virtual learning, and so much more have put a damper on many people’s 2020 plans. More important than ever, people need to seize the ample opportunities they have to begin to strategize and plan ahead for a fresh start in 2021. So, here are a few […]