Getting Testimonials
Secure testimonials early for effective book promotion. Learn how to get reviews from readers, editors, and influencers to maintain relevance post-publicity campaign.
My Publicity Campaign is Finished, Now What?
Maintain your book’s relevance post-publicity campaign with Google Alerts, social media monitoring, and staying ready for media opportunities. Keep building your brand!
The Importance of Public Speaking for Authors
The Importance of Public Speaking for Authors SHARE Discover how authors can overcome the fear of public speaking, enhance their marketing efforts, and expand income opportunities through effective public speaking. Very few authors make a living solely from their writing; most continue to work day jobs. However, expanding income opportunities through public speaking is a […]
3 Keys to Getting a Journalist’s Attention
Stand out in understaffed newsrooms: learn 3 essential keys to grab a journalist’s attention and succeed in PR. Discover effective contact methods, unique headlines, and thorough research.
Getting Your Books on Bookstore and Library Shelves
A comprehensive guide on what authors need to know before approaching book buyers, covering aspects such as product specifications, distribution, marketing and tips with a focus on understanding the needs and priorities of retailers and libraries.