The 7 Key Steps to Successful Publishing


Discover the 7 key steps to successful publishing and how to best maximize your visibility, enhance your brand, and share your story with the world.

Authoring a book remains one of the most effective ways to establish yourself as an expert, enhance your brand, and expand your professional influence. While the rise of self-publishing has made the process more accessible, it has also underscored the importance of maintaining professional standards akin to traditional publishing. 

Yet there is more that goes into a book’s success than the selection of a publishing path. Michael Roney, founder of Highpoint Executive Publishing recently joined the Author to Influencer Program’s Power Hour to discuss the 7 key steps to successful publishing in order for your book to truly succeed–and for you to extend your reputation and value.

1. Why Publish a Book?

Before diving into the complexities of writing and publishing, Roney says to ask yourself a fundamental question: Why are you writing a book? For most professionals, the answer often revolves around reputation, brand enhancement, and marketing. The book becomes a powerful tool to solidify your authority and extend your influence, rather than just a means of earning retail sales.

2. Understand the Market

What formats are your readers likely to purchase? How can you adapt your publishing strategy to align with these trends? By conducting thorough market research, you can ensure that your book reaches the right people, in the right format, at the right time. In today’s rapidly changing landscape, factors such as genre popularity and reader preferences shift frequently. Staying informed about developments in your specific niche is essential for giving your book a strong chance of success.

3. Choose the Right Publishing Path

Traditional Publishing: While this route offers prestige, professional design, distribution, and potential advances, fewer than 2% of submitted manuscripts are accepted. Those that are accepted typically sell less than 500 copies in their first year. For authors seeking more creative and financial control, traditional publishing may not be the best fit.

Self-Publishing: With self-publishing, you retain complete control but assume all responsibility for development, marketing, and distribution. While it’s faster to market, potential risks arise if you lack professional design and editing resources.

Hybrid Publishing: The hybrid model allows authors to retain full rights while benefiting from professional design, production, and distribution. Authors receive five times more revenue per unit sold, making hybrid publishing an attractive option for maximizing profits while maintaining creative control. Hybrid-published authors also benefit from a faster time to market—approximately nine months compared to the 18-24 months typical with traditional publishers. For savvy marketers, hybrid publishing offers the best of both worlds: creative control and the tools to maximize their book’s impact. 

4. Start With a Clear Vision

One of the biggest challenges in writing a book is knowing where to start. Roney advises authors to begin with creating their back-cover copy. This simple exercise forces you to define what makes your book uniquely valuable to readers–also known as your value proposition– your audience, and why they should care about your book. The back-cover copy serves both as a marketing tool and a guide to keep your writing focused.

Organizing your thoughts in this way sets you up for success from the beginning. A clear and concise value proposition resonates with readers and drives interest in your book.

5. Understand the Process

The process of publishing a book involves much more than simply writing a manuscript. Key stages in the process include:

  • Market Analysis: Ensure there’s demand for your book’s topic.
  • Manuscript Development and Editing: A good developmental editor refines your manuscript.
  • Design and Production: Professional design is critical for success.
  • Multiple Formats: Make your book available in print, ebook, and audiobook formats.
  • Proofreading and Indexing: This ensures accuracy and professionalism.
  • Distribution: Ensure your book is accessible through major distributors.

6. Build Your Author Platform

Your book is a critical piece of your larger personal or business brand. To maximize its impact, build an author platform that showcases your unique intellectual property (IP). Leverage your social media presence, activate your professional network, and create a dedicated landing page on your website.

7. Think Beyond Book Sales

While sales revenue is important, it’s often just the “icing on the cake.” A well-written business book can increase your credibility and lead to more clients, speaking opportunities, or consulting gigs. The opportunities that arise from your published book can significantly outweigh sales revenue.

Final Thoughts

By following these seven key steps, from defining your purpose and understanding the market to building your author platform and thinking beyond sales, you position yourself for lasting success. Whether you choose the traditional, self-publishing, or hybrid route, remember that a professionally produced book is a powerful tool for expanding your influence and amplifying your impact in the professional world.

Reach out today, and let’s create a publicity strategy that brings your book the attention it deserves.

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