The Impact of Publicity on Author Success
Marika Flatt
- Reading Time: 7 Minutes
Discover Andy O’Brien’s journey from family business to published author. Learn how publicity played a crucial role in bringing his book to life and reaching a wider audience.
A Conversation with Andy O’Brien
Andy O’Brien, the author of WTF, Was I Thinking: Family Business, offers valuable insights into the world of writing and publishing, particularly for those navigating the complex dynamics of family-owned businesses. In our conversation, Andy shared his experiences and the critical role a publicist played in bringing his book to life. This article explores the key takeaways from his journey, offering advice for aspiring authors on making their mark.
Roots in Family Business
Andy O’Brien’s career began in the heart of his family’s business, a foundation that significantly shaped his professional life. “I’m what they call an SOB,” he shared, with a chuckle, “which stands for son of boss.” Growing up in this environment, Andy learned the ropes the hard way, acquiring firsthand knowledge of the intricacies and challenges that come with running a family business. Later, alongside his wife Jody, Andy embarked on a journey of his own, helping other family business owners navigate their unique challenges through their business coaching firm, actionCOACH. Reflecting on this extensive experience, Andy noted, “In the last 35 years or so, my wife and I have been helping family business owners, and that’s been my career.”
Transitioning to Writing
As Andy continued to build his career, the desire to publish naturally emerged as a way to share his wealth of knowledge. “The idea of writing a book was in the back of my mind.” He recalled, “I had thought about it off and on, and then I said, ‘Okay, I’m going to do this.’” What began as a vague idea soon turned into a concrete project, driven by the desire to provide guidance to others facing similar challenges in the family business world. However, Andy quickly realized that writing a book and getting it published was a daunting task, far more complex than he had anticipated. This realization led him to consider hybrid publishing, which he recognized as a more balanced approach. “We’re not 100% self-publishing this book; we’ve got a little help. We’ve got a team around us,” he explained, highlighting the importance of having professional support from the start.
The Critical Role of a Publicist
One of the most significant decisions Andy made while in the throws of the publishing process was to hire a publicist. He openly shared, “Without a publicist, my book would have been sitting on Amazon without any interviews.” The publicist’s role was pivotal in ensuring that the book reached a wider audience, something Andy was quick to appreciate. “They’ve been very professional,” he said, adding that the publicist helped secure crucial media placements and interviews that would have been challenging to obtain on his own. The value of having a publicist, as Andy emphasized, cannot be overstated: “They’re good at it. They have all these relationships with the different media, and they follow up.”
Building Momentum Post-Launch: Publicity
The role of a publicist extends far beyond the initial book launch, as Andy discovered. He explained, “They don’t just send [a pitch] out one time and forget about it. They continuously build relationships, follow up with people.” This ongoing effort by a publicist is vital in keeping the book visible and relevant long after its release. Andy credited his publicist with maintaining momentum by consistently reaching out to new media outlets and ensuring that his book stayed in the public eye. He emphasized, “They’re constantly doing this… they’ve got it down to a science,” highlighting the continuous nature of publicity work and its importance in sustaining a book’s relevancy.
Advice for Aspiring Authors
For those considering writing a book, Andy offers clear and practical advice: “Get a publicist.” He believes that engaging with a publicity professional early in the process can make all the difference in navigating the complex world of publishing. “You need that,” Andy said, stressing the importance of having expert guidance. He also advised aspiring authors to recognize that writing a book is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and support. “It’s not as easy as it looks. It’s a lot of work,” he remarked, encouraging new authors to take the process seriously and seek out the right team to help them succeed. For Andy, who is intimately familiar with the intricacies of seeking and offering support from his family-business background, he was able to appreciate that finding the right publicist made a world of difference in his book’s lifecycle: the team is paramount.
The Value of Professional Support
Reflecting on his experience, Andy O’Brien emphasizes the positive impact of working with a professional team, particularly a skilled publicist. He concluded, “You just need somebody who knows what they’re doing,” underscoring how this collaboration not only helped him navigate the complexities of book publishing but also brought his message to a broader audience. For aspiring authors, Andy’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of professional support in making a meaningful impact with their writing. Whether using a book as a business tool or simply sharing a story, the right guidance can make all the difference in connecting your writing to readers who need it.
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